EU Grants
Under Priority Axis 1 Research and Innovation, Action 1.3 Research and development infrastructure in enterprises (RPO WL) for the years 2014-2020, under procedure no. RPLU.01.03.00-IP.01-06-001/17, registered under the registration number PLU.01.03.00-06-0043/17, approved for co-financing by the Lublin Agency for Entrepreneurship Support, in the Low Voltage Apparatus Laboratory in the Lublin-Division of SEP-BBJ launched impulse current -generators for 10/350 surge waveform and a system for recording quick short-circuit and surge cycles. The generators and the recording system are used as complementary elements for carrying out a full, accredited type- test on:
- surge protective devices (SPD) with surge current up to 100 kA for 10/350 impulse in accordance with the requirements of the standard PN-EN 61643-11:2013-06 with the possibility of applying surge to the SPD supply voltage sine wave; this applies to – devices limited surge voltages classified as Type I,
- lightning protection system components (LPSC) with current up to 200 kA for 10/350 impulse in accordance with the requirements of the standard PN-EN 62561-1:2017- 07, applies to all LPS component connections, both performed on the object, e.g. cross and parallel connections, as well as earth electrode connections in the ground.
At present, it is the only device of this type in Poland with a test method accredited by the PCA and one of the few in Europe belonging to a third party, independent of manufacturers.
The title of the implemented project is:
“Construction of a current surge generator in the Low Voltage Apparatus Laboratory in Lublin with the capacitors charging voltage up to 80kV and the possibility of recording the amplitude and waveform of the surge used as a necessary element for accredited type test of lightning protection systems components in the range of rated surge output current from 50kA to 200kA for a 10/350 impulse and used as a necessary component for accredited type test of surge protection devices within the rated surge current output range from 5kA to 100kA for a 10/350 impulse and the construction of a system for recording fast short-circuit and surge waveforms necessary for type test of surge protection devices Type I and Type I+II – standard PN-EN 61643-11:2016 point8.3.5.3 and 8.3.8.”.
The project commenced in 2017-03-20, substantive completion was in 2018-06-18 and financial conclusion in 2018-07-18.
The value of the Project amounts to PLN 1,291,500.00.
Eligible expenditure of the Project amounts to PLN 1,050,000.00.
The aid intensity is 60% of eligible expenditure, i.e. PLN 630,000,00.
Place of project implementation: SEP-BBJ, M. Rapackiego 13, 20-150 Lublin.